Code of conduct for away trips

This Code is specifically aimed at “away” trips where travel and accommodation are required, and is in addition to the general Code for Swimmers.

Consumption of alcohol is totally forbidden for swimmers under age as defined by UK law. In other cases, it must not be consumed by swimmers or staff members whilst en route, prior to or following a competition event, training session or team activities, without specific consent of the Coach.

Smoking: is prohibited by swimmers and staff whilst en route, prior to or during a competition event or training session.

Personal appearance: should be appropriate for the circumstances and as recommended by the Coach. Team kit and equipment shall be worn as directed by the Coach when competing and training, when assembling or travelling and at official team functions.

Attendance at all activities is expected unless agreed by the Coach. Throughout the duration of the trip, swimmers should inform staff of their whereabouts. Punctuality on all occasions is essential and any curfew must be observed.

Accommodation at hotels or equivalent must be as directed by the Club staff and at no times must any other person be accommodated in swimmers’ rooms.

Medication: It is important that information on all medication being currently taken should be reported to the Coach. Allergies to any medication must be reported to the Coach.

Breaches of the Code for Swimmers will be dealt with in the first instance by the Coach. This may include a verbal warning followed by sitting out for a ‘time out’. The Coach may also require the swimmer to get dressed and sit back on poolside, if a parent or other responsible adult is not present. If the Coach considers the breach (or breaches) merits this, the Coach will report the incident to the Secretary of the Club’s management committee.

Team Staff Appointments Policy – travel

The policy of the Amateur Swimming Association and Amateur Swimming Federation of Great Britain is as follows: ‘where one athlete aged below eighteen years of age is travelling they must be accompanied by one member of staff and parental consent obtained with regard to the identity of the staff member. Where there are two or more athletes travelling there must be a minimum of two members of staff accompanying the athletes. Where the group of athletes are of mixed sex, there must be staff members of each sex.