Wavepower 2016-19: The ASA Swimmer Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Wavepower 2016–19 is the latest Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) Swimmer Safeguarding Policies and Procedures publication which replaces all previous versions.
It has been produced to assist in safeguarding and protecting swimmers in our sport and must be adopted by all ASA affiliated clubs and organisations.
Ensuring that swimmers are safeguarded should be a key part of how our clubs and swim clubs operate and helps to provide a safe, happy and fun environment in which swimmers can learn to swim and develop their skills.
The responsibility to safeguard swimmers does not belong to any one person, but instead belongs to everyone who plays a part in delivering our sporting activities. Wavepower is intended for anyone involved in these activities and offers practical guidance and information on mandatory requirements and good practice.
This publication will be fully updated in 2020, but if any new guidance or policy changes are released prior to this, then pages will be updated or added to this section of the website.
Click on the links below to access the ASA Wavepower Documents.
(Right click and select Open Hyperlink)
ASA Wavepower Documents
Wavepower consists of the following documents
- Intro Information and Contents
- Section 1 Introduction to Wavepower
- Section 2 Toolbox
- Section 3 Child Safeguarding Responsibilities
- Section 4 Guidance for Coaches, Teachers and Poolside Helpers
- Section 5 Templates, Forms and Checklist
- Section 6 Index
There is also a section of Additional Documents which may be useful:
Social media guidance: The Parents’ Guide to Twitter (PDF)
- Social media guidance: The Parents’ Guide to Twitter (Web Book version)
- Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s Child Safeguarding Leaflet for Parents
- ASA Code of Ethics (ASA Handbook 2016 page 18)
- Protocols for Child Safeguarding Investigations (ASA Handbook 2016 pages 19-21)
- The ASA Child Welfare Complaints Procedure (ASA Handbook 2016 pages 22-25)
- Additional information regarding child safeguarding courses
- CPSU Safe Sport Events, Activities and Competitions (Supersedes Safe Sport Away)
- The Sports Safeguarding Children Initiative (SSCI)
- Swimline
- Child Power Your Voice
We have been told by Swim England that a Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy is being written (Sep 17). This will be added as soon as it is available.