Club profile

The Sharks Swimming Club objectives are to implement a whole club structure that provides opportunities for all swimmers who have a disability (the disability must be classifiable).  In creating an open and transparent club we can produce equity throughout our membership and coaching.  We aim to encourage three way communications between the coach, swimmer and parent/carer.  We plan to provide support for all, motivation, education and therefore commitment from all parties is paramount.

We aim to build on the club’s present training structure:

  • Produce a successful competitive structure ensuring success at Local, Regional and National Level.  Through continual monitoring and updating of knowledge and qualification the club’s coaching team will be in a strong position to build on an already successful history at Club and County levels.

The Sharks Swimming Club strongly believes that all swimmers matter.  Therefore, we should provide a safe and friendly environment in which to encourage our swimmers to develop and hone new skills.  By setting the clubs sights on all levels of competition we can promote high levels of self-esteem and confidence in our swimmers through individual and group achievement.

Over the next few years we plan to help improve the level of swimming within the club and make The Sharks Swimming Club a well respected and competitive club with continuing success.

For The Sharks Swimming Club to run efficiently and smoothly we need enthusiastic parent / carers to be on board with us. We always need help. If you would like to talk to someone about volunteering please talk to the desk on a Monday evening or the Head Coach. If you could give some time to the club we feel that this is the best way to invest in your swimmer’s experience.